Did I say that out loud?

Thoughts and musings of a mom

Five Minute Friday: Write

on February 7, 2014


As a teenager, I loved to read and write. It was fun, an escape. I would write corny poetry (admit it, you probably did too), the occasional short story, and letter after letter to pen pals.

In fact, it was through these letters, that I actually was given the opportunity, by my parents, to meet one of my pen pals. For several years, my friend, Stacey, and I would write several letters a year back and forth. Page after page. Each letter signed off with a “Write back soon!”

And then full-fledged adulthood hit, bills, stress, jobs, and our letters petered off until eventually we no longer heard from each other.

I still wrote, but life became filled with reports, tests, documentation, and soon that was the only writing I was doing. The only leisure writing was a quick email or status update. But last summer happened, and I decided to write again. For fun. Because I wanted to. An escape like the old days.

Now to just pick up a real piece of paper, and write an old friend a letter that should have been written long ago.

Today I joined up with Lisa-Jo Baker for Five Minute Friday. The topic today was: Write.

One response to “Five Minute Friday: Write

  1. Love it! I am right there with you in not getting to write due to the busyness of life. Hang in there sister…and keep on writing! Thanks for sharing with all of us.

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